Wednesday, November 23, 2005

This Sucks a big time

The largest massacare in the history of man kind is the killing of the native americans by the so called "europian americans."
They celebrate the thanks giving day today. why? for getting to know the trick to survive the cold and then kill the same people who told them the trick??
How can the rest of the world just watch this???
The same clan bombed the cities of hiroshima and nagasaki killing people like crushing ants under the feet of an elephant, just to show their power.
They have now fought war against Iraq and Afganistan for their profit.
Whats next?

Monday, July 11, 2005

should i blog?

I jot down lots of things. I have so many things to share, but somehow i don't feel that iam doing justice to the topic. so i dont feel lik putting it as a blog. May be if i find some encouragement then i might come out of the shell.

Friday, July 01, 2005

"I" vs "WE"

We(meaning majority ppl I have known) are so self centered ppl that we forget to use the power of "WE" and instead end up with only "I".
Very few know actually what WE stands for and can do!
These are the true Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
I was just wondering how many times a day I use "I"?
Its amazing that I use it the most! (perhaps everyone does)
But what if instead of learning "I" we learn "WE" first?
How the world be like? (tough to imagine)

The use of "I" in the Indian national pledge is justified by saying that it gives more sense of possession and ppl will feel more responsible for their duties; But is it really so?
In fact now I don't even remember the complete pledge.

The Muslims have the upper hand in this case since they have found the power of WE through regular mass prayers.

This needs lot more of organized thinking...
So where do 'we' or 'I' go from here?

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Things I want to do down the line .............

Professions which I would like to give a shot at.
(I hope to do atleast a stint of each)
1. Teaching
2. Quality Controlling
3. Journalism
4. Politics

Sports which I'll play,
1. Scuba Diving
2. Bungie Jumping
3. Pro Golf
4. Roller blading

Friday, June 17, 2005


Iam trying to get hold of writing blogs but it seems lot complicated than I can think of. I love a nice saying that "Its difficult to make things simple". This is the perfect place where it is applicable.
Iam also fed up of google's other service of orkut. I always getting the message Bad, bad server. No donut for you (hahaha)
But still I'll have to stick to these facilities as they are very useful!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

First one!

I don't write much!
But looking at the topices written here I think even I can contribute to it.
I generally prefer to make comments on blogs,
but then topices and issues r urs.
So finally I decided that I'll jot down something that I want to share.